Day 23 - Photo of your favorite Bon Jovi merchandise
Okay, I'll be the first to admit that my merchandise collection is not as extensive as some - maybe even as most. I mostly have a lot of t-shirts. What I do have that isn't t-shirts goes up on my obsession wall along with my ticket stubs.
The hat's probably my favorite... Although I am pretty partial to the "All I Want For Christmas is Richie" ornament... (Thanks, Lauri!)
A little online place for me to be me and indulge in my avid obsession for Bon Jovi. You can email me at

Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day 22 - Me & Jovi
Day 22 - A picture of you and any member of Bon Jovi

Alas, I've never had the fortune of meeting any of the Bon Jovi guys (Tico and Richie DID touch me on their way round the circle last time I saw them in Chicago though). However, I did make an impromptu pilgrimage to Richie's homeotwn of Woodbridge, NJ this past summer. It was COMPLETELY unplanned. We were on our way home from Montreal and had been up since early that morning, so that's why I look like crap. But at least I had my Jovi hat on! Anyway, this is as good as it gets - for now. ;o)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day 21 - THE Song
Day 21 - The Song that made you fall for Bon Jovi
I honestly don't remember how I found the boys when I was a teenager. I remember learning every word on SWW, but can't remember what started it. Soooo.... I guess I don't have a song that made me fall.
Hmpf. Very sad.
I honestly don't remember how I found the boys when I was a teenager. I remember learning every word on SWW, but can't remember what started it. Soooo.... I guess I don't have a song that made me fall.
Hmpf. Very sad.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day 20 - Music Video
Day 20 - Your Favorite Music Video
Sad to say, I don't watch the 'official' videos nearly as much as the live performance stuff on You Tube. I was going to say Wanted because when I was a teenager, life would stop every time it came on MTV. Even at my grandmother's house! LOL
But then I remembered this little video. So funny. And it's the closest I've ever come to being Jonny girl with that see thru shirt and the cute little rolling of his eyes at 'passed out in the yahd again'. Yep, it's Misunderstood.
Sad to say, I don't watch the 'official' videos nearly as much as the live performance stuff on You Tube. I was going to say Wanted because when I was a teenager, life would stop every time it came on MTV. Even at my grandmother's house! LOL
But then I remembered this little video. So funny. And it's the closest I've ever come to being Jonny girl with that see thru shirt and the cute little rolling of his eyes at 'passed out in the yahd again'. Yep, it's Misunderstood.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 19 - Richie Quote
Day 19 - Favorite quote from Richie Sambora
Richie's kind of a random guy (IMO, of course). He usually has a lot of big words in his very short sentences, but he's always got his heart in it. So I'll take a quote from When We Were Beautiful:
"...when I walk out onstage, my heart becomes that much bigger. When I walk out onstage, it's a part of my life that I love and feel comfortable with. It's like taking your clothes off in front of seventy thousand people every night." -Richie Sambora
Yeah, we all know he's also said it's like having sex with 70,000 people, but that's not comfortable, that's the adrenaline rush. :o)
Richie's kind of a random guy (IMO, of course). He usually has a lot of big words in his very short sentences, but he's always got his heart in it. So I'll take a quote from When We Were Beautiful:
"...when I walk out onstage, my heart becomes that much bigger. When I walk out onstage, it's a part of my life that I love and feel comfortable with. It's like taking your clothes off in front of seventy thousand people every night." -Richie Sambora
Yeah, we all know he's also said it's like having sex with 70,000 people, but that's not comfortable, that's the adrenaline rush. :o)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day 18 - Tour/Era
Day 18 - Favorite tour/era
I was around and actively involved for SWW/NJ, but I was regretfully absent during everything after that up until Lost Highway. Knowing what I know now, it's the Crush/Bounce era I think I regret missing the most. Good songs, good energy and GOOOOOD looking men.
I was around and actively involved for SWW/NJ, but I was regretfully absent during everything after that up until Lost Highway. Knowing what I know now, it's the Crush/Bounce era I think I regret missing the most. Good songs, good energy and GOOOOOD looking men.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 17 - Album Art
Ooops, this one didn't post when it was supposed to. Sorry!!
Day 17 - Favorite Album Art
Well, by far the funniest has got to be the cover for 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong. Gold lame suits/jumpsuits? Love it!
The new GH album is probably my favorite though. Very cool...
And just as a little bit of eye candy, the cover for the What Do You Got Single...
Day 17 - Favorite Album Art
Well, by far the funniest has got to be the cover for 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong. Gold lame suits/jumpsuits? Love it!
The new GH album is probably my favorite though. Very cool...
And just as a little bit of eye candy, the cover for the What Do You Got Single...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day 16 - JBJ Quote
Day 16 - Favorite quote from Jon Bon Jovi
Jon has so many pearls of wisdom. These are a few of my favorites
Hello ego...
"This is the way I look at sex scenes: I have basically been doing them for a living for years. Trying to seduce an audience is the basis of rock 'n roll, and if I may say so, I'm pretty good at it."
And yet you're letting them cover your song on their reunion tour? Stranger than fiction.
"We've been gone five years and the best they could come up with was boy bands? "
This one allows me to justify my obsession with writing fan fic. Anything that gives you permission to do something frivolous is a good thing.
"Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate."
And my favorite, just because I believe it to be true...
"When Richie and I sing well together - that's the magic."
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 15 - Topless Photo
Day 15 - Topless photo of the band
Well, my limited powers of photo searching weren't able to come up with a shirtless picture of the entire band. To be real honest, I stopped when I found this one, because I hadn't seen it before. I'm a Richie girl, but DANG. Shirts off to ya Mr. Bongiovi...
Well, my limited powers of photo searching weren't able to come up with a shirtless picture of the entire band. To be real honest, I stopped when I found this one, because I hadn't seen it before. I'm a Richie girl, but DANG. Shirts off to ya Mr. Bongiovi...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day 14- My Jovi Photo
Day 14 - A photo you have taken of Bon Jovi
I'll interpret that to mean the entire band. The best ones I have are in the header of this blog, but I'll post here again just to be in compliance with the challenge. (Like it's a contest and there's a prize at the end or something.)
Think JBJ knows we all love it when he puts his hand over his heart like that - as though he's overwhelmed by all our love and adoration? Yeah, that's why he does it almost every show. Doesn't mean it's any less swoon inspiring though.
This one is purely for the Hugh factor. I absolutely do NOT consider Bobby Bandiera part of Bon Jovi!
I'll interpret that to mean the entire band. The best ones I have are in the header of this blog, but I'll post here again just to be in compliance with the challenge. (Like it's a contest and there's a prize at the end or something.)
Closing bows, Chicago #2
Think JBJ knows we all love it when he puts his hand over his heart like that - as though he's overwhelmed by all our love and adoration? Yeah, that's why he does it almost every show. Doesn't mean it's any less swoon inspiring though.
This one is purely for the Hugh factor. I absolutely do NOT consider Bobby Bandiera part of Bon Jovi!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Day 13 - Fave Gig
Day 13 - Favorite Bon Jovi Gig
One that I've personally attended? Chicago, July 31, 2010. Just because I was in the pit. But as far as videos and all that I've seen? Gonna have to go with Hammerstein Ballroom, 2002. Those are the videos where the guys are in black and white and the audience is in color. They look amazingly hot and are in such a good mood, it just makes me wanna giggle.
This one is particularly giggle inspiring. You've all seen it. "A man with a strong butt".
One that I've personally attended? Chicago, July 31, 2010. Just because I was in the pit. But as far as videos and all that I've seen? Gonna have to go with Hammerstein Ballroom, 2002. Those are the videos where the guys are in black and white and the audience is in color. They look amazingly hot and are in such a good mood, it just makes me wanna giggle.
This one is particularly giggle inspiring. You've all seen it. "A man with a strong butt".
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day 12 - Live Events
Day 12 - List all the times you've seen Bon Jovi live
And the best is yet to come in 2011...
11. February 11 - Pittsburgh
12. February 12 - Pittsburgh
13. March 1 - Boston
14. March 2 - Philly for Jon's birthday. Third row pit and the debut of Richie Cam.
So far, I have at least one video from all of them on YT except for the 1987 show. And I should continue that trend since I got an awesome new camera for Christmas with a ridiculous zoom on it. Fair warning though, I've become neurotic about taping the bows at the end of the show for some reason. Stop by and check them out if you are bored:
Updated 9/8/12
15. May 10, 2011- Columbus, OH
16. May 22, 2011 - St. Louis, MO
Both very bittersweet. My first backstage experience in Columbus and great seats at both shows, but no Richie. :(
17. May 20, 2012 - Bamboozle, Asbury Park, NJ
18. July 6, 2012 - Greenbrier Golf Classic, Lewisburg, WV
Updated 2/26/2013
Because We Can tour:
19. February 21, 2013 - Pittsburgh, PA
20. March 1, 2013 - Tampa, FL
21. March 2, 2013 - Sunrise, FL
22. March 10, 2013 - Columbus, OH
23. March 14, 2013 - Louisville, KY
Updated 6/4/2013
Because We Can tour (again!):
24. October 8, 2013 - Fresno, CA
25. October 9, 2013 - Anaheim, CA
26. October 11, 2013 - Los Angeles, CA
Updated 2/9/17
This House Is Not For Sale tour
27. February 28, 2017 - Sacramento, CA
28. March 1, 2017 - San Jose, CA
- July 19, 1987 - Huntington, WV
- March 5, 2008 - Pittsburgh
- March 15, 2008 - Pittsburgh
- March 6, 2010 - Las Vegas
- April 22, 2010 - Charlotte
- May 19, 2010 - Hershey (my first stadium show!!)
- July 19, 2010 - Toronto
- July 20, 2010 - Toronto
- July 30, 2010 - Chicago
- July 31, 2010 - Chicago (my first time in the pit!!)
And the best is yet to come in 2011...
11. February 11 - Pittsburgh
12. February 12 - Pittsburgh
13. March 1 - Boston
14. March 2 - Philly for Jon's birthday. Third row pit and the debut of Richie Cam.
So far, I have at least one video from all of them on YT except for the 1987 show. And I should continue that trend since I got an awesome new camera for Christmas with a ridiculous zoom on it. Fair warning though, I've become neurotic about taping the bows at the end of the show for some reason. Stop by and check them out if you are bored:
15. May 10, 2011- Columbus, OH
16. May 22, 2011 - St. Louis, MO
Both very bittersweet. My first backstage experience in Columbus and great seats at both shows, but no Richie. :(
17. May 20, 2012 - Bamboozle, Asbury Park, NJ
18. July 6, 2012 - Greenbrier Golf Classic, Lewisburg, WV
Updated 2/26/2013
Because We Can tour:
19. February 21, 2013 - Pittsburgh, PA
20. March 1, 2013 - Tampa, FL
21. March 2, 2013 - Sunrise, FL
22. March 10, 2013 - Columbus, OH
23. March 14, 2013 - Louisville, KY
Updated 6/4/2013
Because We Can tour (again!):
24. October 8, 2013 - Fresno, CA
25. October 9, 2013 - Anaheim, CA
26. October 11, 2013 - Los Angeles, CA
Updated 2/9/17
This House Is Not For Sale tour
27. February 28, 2017 - Sacramento, CA
28. March 1, 2017 - San Jose, CA
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day 11 - Fave other song
Day 11 - Favorite cover or B-side
By my count it should exclude the box set, right? So at least I don't have to deal with that. *whew*
And these are two totally different categories with multiple answers. (By this point in the challenge, I don't think that surprises you.)
Covers - I have two special favorites that I listen to ALL the time...
Bridge Over Troubled Water - To borrow a quote from The Goddess Hathor... "The Harmony. Sweet LORD the harmony."
Lean On Me - The video isn't what you would hope for, but the vocals more than make up for it. These boys are acoustic angels, I'm tellin' ya...
B-sides - Holy cow, where do I start? I really am trying to keep the short list, honest. These videos aren't much, but in case you haven't heard the songs here they are.
The End
By my count it should exclude the box set, right? So at least I don't have to deal with that. *whew*
And these are two totally different categories with multiple answers. (By this point in the challenge, I don't think that surprises you.)
Covers - I have two special favorites that I listen to ALL the time...
Bridge Over Troubled Water - To borrow a quote from The Goddess Hathor... "The Harmony. Sweet LORD the harmony."
Lean On Me - The video isn't what you would hope for, but the vocals more than make up for it. These boys are acoustic angels, I'm tellin' ya...
B-sides - Holy cow, where do I start? I really am trying to keep the short list, honest. These videos aren't much, but in case you haven't heard the songs here they are.
The End
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 10 - Fave HAND Song
Day 10 - Favorite song from Have a Nice Day
*sigh* Another hard one. This album has all kinds of life mantras on it that make you just wanna live a little while longer.
*sigh* Another hard one. This album has all kinds of life mantras on it that make you just wanna live a little while longer.
- Welcome to Wherever You Are - gets me through those depressing days.
- Bells of Freedom - Jon's voice is so soothing on this one
- Who Says You Can't Go Home - I know there's a lot of controversy over this one, but I can't help but sing along when it comes up. S'alright? lol
- Complicated - Because who isn't really?
That being said, I'm gonna ultimately choose Story of My Life. Maybe because of the Special Edition version of it? "Wait a minute. That never happens in this organization. The bass player made a BIG mistake. Huey doesn't MAKE mistakes. Most solid guy in the band." "I woulda shot him, but there's too many witnesses!"
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day 9 - Fave Crush Song
Day 9 - Favorite song from Crush
This one's a lot easier. But, first, can I make an observation about Crush? Bon Jovi has only released two songs with Mystery in the title and they put them both on the same album. And both songs draw out that word so much that I think of it as the Mystery
But I digress... Going with Just Older on this one. Secrets to the grave...
Here's a great video of it being performed live in Sydney last month
This one's a lot easier. But, first, can I make an observation about Crush? Bon Jovi has only released two songs with Mystery in the title and they put them both on the same album. And both songs draw out that word so much that I think of it as the Mystery
But I digress... Going with Just Older on this one. Secrets to the grave...
Here's a great video of it being performed live in Sydney last month
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day 8 - Fave NJ Song
Day 8 - Favorite song from New Jersey
New Jersey was probably one of Bon Jovi's best all-around albums, which makes it that much harder to pick a single song. Yeah, I know I'm missing the whole point of this thing, but if you can pick a single favorite anything of Bon Jovi, then you're not looking hard enough.
New Jersey was probably one of Bon Jovi's best all-around albums, which makes it that much harder to pick a single song. Yeah, I know I'm missing the whole point of this thing, but if you can pick a single favorite anything of Bon Jovi, then you're not looking hard enough.
- Living in Sin (Don't you just love it when Jon snarls "I don't need your Daddy tellin' us what we should do"?)
- Blood on Blood (When we were so young, -so young - soooo young!)
- I'll Be There For You is probably one of the best songs they've ever written lyrically
But those are my "also-rans".
There's nothing that gets me more than an acoustic Jovi, so I'm gonna have to give this one to Love For Sale. They're so damn cute in the original cut of this, and "feelin' like a dawwg that's been kicked in the head" always brings a smile to my face. Add that to Richie's guitar improv and his solo line of 'I got some luuuuv for saa-ale!" near the end and I'm toast.
Here's an awesome live version if you just have to hear it now...
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 7 - Fave SWW Song
Day 7 - Favorite song from Slippery When Wet
You'd think it would be Wanted, since it's my all-time favorite, right? But, alas, no.
Since Richie pointed RIGHT AT me in Chicago (with my SAMBORA vanity plates in hand) and said "YOU give love a bad name!", that one holds a certain soft spot in my heart, but still - no.
Gonna have to go with Never Say Goodbye. This is the version I listen to most often on the iPod, carefully ripped from this AMAZING YT video from MassJoviFan. It was recorded on the circle at the Mohegan Sun show on 3/26/2010. Richie's mic is up good and loud :o)
You'd think it would be Wanted, since it's my all-time favorite, right? But, alas, no.
Since Richie pointed RIGHT AT me in Chicago (with my SAMBORA vanity plates in hand) and said "YOU give love a bad name!", that one holds a certain soft spot in my heart, but still - no.
Gonna have to go with Never Say Goodbye. This is the version I listen to most often on the iPod, carefully ripped from this AMAZING YT video from MassJoviFan. It was recorded on the circle at the Mohegan Sun show on 3/26/2010. Richie's mic is up good and loud :o)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Day 6 - Fave All-Time Jovi Song
Day 6 - All-time favorite Bon Jovi song
Crap. My favorite song changes all the time. The More Things Change just gets stuck in my head. Keep the Faith always makes me wanna be-bop around the room. Something for the Pain is a new favorite since it hit the Circle acoustic.
*sigh* I'm so bad at following directions.
I guess if I had to pick one ALL-TIME favorite song, it would be Wanted. I very seldom ever listen to it recorded, but live performance sucks me in every time. I remember being a teenager and sitting in my grandmother's living room floor totally engrossed EVERY time the video would come on MTV. (I think a snippet of it was recorded in our local civic center). It's not a song, it's an experience.
Counting down the days 'til I see it again in Pittsburgh and Philly!
Crap. My favorite song changes all the time. The More Things Change just gets stuck in my head. Keep the Faith always makes me wanna be-bop around the room. Something for the Pain is a new favorite since it hit the Circle acoustic.
*sigh* I'm so bad at following directions.
I guess if I had to pick one ALL-TIME favorite song, it would be Wanted. I very seldom ever listen to it recorded, but live performance sucks me in every time. I remember being a teenager and sitting in my grandmother's living room floor totally engrossed EVERY time the video would come on MTV. (I think a snippet of it was recorded in our local civic center). It's not a song, it's an experience.
Counting down the days 'til I see it again in Pittsburgh and Philly!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 5 - Fave Richie Picture
Day 5 - Favorite Photo of Richie
Well, why don't you just ask me to choose my favorite hair on my child's head?? It absolutely CANNOT be done! I can't even choose my favorite one that I'VE taken of him. But we'll start with one of those...
This is my favorite stolen, sweaty chested, sexy Richie pic... *drool*
Well, why don't you just ask me to choose my favorite hair on my child's head?? It absolutely CANNOT be done! I can't even choose my favorite one that I'VE taken of him. But we'll start with one of those...
This is my favorite stolen, sweaty chested, sexy Richie pic... *drool*
Puppy Richie... *sigh*
Giggly Richie (Yes, I know, but it bears repeating. Seriously.) *hee hee*
Now, are all the hard assignments over with???? See ya tomorrow!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Day 4 - Fave Tico Picture
Day 4 - Favorite picture of Tico
Tico is absolutely as sexy as he can be these days (not to be confused with These Days). Puppy boys were cute, but I love a real man, even though this pic of Tico makes him look like a naughty little boy...
Tico is absolutely as sexy as he can be these days (not to be confused with These Days). Puppy boys were cute, but I love a real man, even though this pic of Tico makes him look like a naughty little boy...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day 3 - Fave David Picture
Day 3 - Favorite picture of David
David looks better now than he ever has, IMOHO. I mean come on, you can't really tell me he was having ANY good hair days in the 80's. (sorry bayaderra...) I THINK he usually wears contacts and not glasses, but he looks awfully cute in them, and the scruff is a nice change.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 2 - Fave Jon Picture
Day 2 - favorite picture of Jon
Maybe not my FAVORITE, but again there are frickin' MILLIONS to choose from - even more than there are of the band! So I chose this one. It is definitely one of the hottest ones I've taken with my very own camera. And besides, who can resist a sexy, sweaty chested Jonny calling you out??
2/7/13: THIS ONE I remember...
Day 5 is gonna be a bitch to choose...
Maybe not my FAVORITE, but again there are frickin' MILLIONS to choose from - even more than there are of the band! So I chose this one. It is definitely one of the hottest ones I've taken with my very own camera. And besides, who can resist a sexy, sweaty chested Jonny calling you out??
2/7/13: THIS ONE I remember...
And this is my favorite Jon AND Richie pic. Yeah, I know it wasn't the assignment, but this pic is TOOO cute to pass on posting. (Shamelessly stolen from @MarnieNichole - I told you I loved it!!)
Day 5 is gonna be a bitch to choose...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day 1 - Fave Jovi Picture
Day 1 - Favorite Picture of Bon Jovi
Okay, so how do you really choose? There are MILLIONS of them out there! In the interest of time and my sanity, I went with one of the standard issue pics from one of my favorite 'hotness' eras: Bounce. I looked for the Crush pic of them in the black suits and ties, but couldn't find one to suit me. That REALLY would've been my first choice.
2/7/13: It's come to my attention that my pictures have been eaten, so I have to replace them, best as I can guess. If these aren't the original pics, sorry. They're still good!! :D
Okay, so how do you really choose? There are MILLIONS of them out there! In the interest of time and my sanity, I went with one of the standard issue pics from one of my favorite 'hotness' eras: Bounce. I looked for the Crush pic of them in the black suits and ties, but couldn't find one to suit me. That REALLY would've been my first choice.
2/7/13: It's come to my attention that my pictures have been eaten, so I have to replace them, best as I can guess. If these aren't the original pics, sorry. They're still good!! :D
See you tomorrow for Day 2!!
Bon Jovi 30 day challenge
Shamelessly stolen from @debee1015 and @marnienichole. Thanks girls!!
Not sure if I have the level of committment required for this, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try. And this should just get me to the Pittsburgh concert dates of Feb 11 & 12. Can't wait to see you guys!!!!
So here we go...
Day 1 - Favorite photo of Bon Jovi
2 - Favorite photo of Jon
3 - Favorite photo of David
4 - Favorite photo of Tico
5 - Favorite photo of Richie
6 - Your all-time favorite Bon Jovi song
7 - Your favorite song from Slippery When Wet
8 - Your favorite song from New Jersey
9 - Your favorite song from Crush
10 - Your favorite song from Have a Nice Day
11 - Your favorite cover or B-side
12 - List all the times you’ve seen Bon Jovi live, if at all
13 - Your favorite Bon Jovi gig
14 - A photo of Bon Jovi that you have taken, if any
15 - A topless photo of the guys
16 - Your favorite quote from Jon Bon Jovi
17 - Your favorite album art
18 - Your favorite tour/era
19 - Your favorite quote from Richie Sambora
20 - Your favorite music video
21 - The song that made you fall for Bon Jovi
22 - A photo of you and any member of Bon Jovi, if you have one
23 - A photo of your favorite Bon Jovi merchandise
24 - Your favorite Bon Jovi lyric
25 - Your favorite Bon Jovi logo
26 - A photo of a member of the band’s tattoo
27 - Would you ever consider getting a Bon Jovi-inspired tattoo? Explain
28 - Cities/places you’ve seen Bon Jovi
29 - Reasons you love Bon Jovi
30 - Random - whatever you want, you’ve made it!
2 - Favorite photo of Jon
3 - Favorite photo of David
4 - Favorite photo of Tico
5 - Favorite photo of Richie
6 - Your all-time favorite Bon Jovi song
7 - Your favorite song from Slippery When Wet
8 - Your favorite song from New Jersey
9 - Your favorite song from Crush
10 - Your favorite song from Have a Nice Day
11 - Your favorite cover or B-side
12 - List all the times you’ve seen Bon Jovi live, if at all
13 - Your favorite Bon Jovi gig
14 - A photo of Bon Jovi that you have taken, if any
15 - A topless photo of the guys
16 - Your favorite quote from Jon Bon Jovi
17 - Your favorite album art
18 - Your favorite tour/era
19 - Your favorite quote from Richie Sambora
20 - Your favorite music video
21 - The song that made you fall for Bon Jovi
22 - A photo of you and any member of Bon Jovi, if you have one
23 - A photo of your favorite Bon Jovi merchandise
24 - Your favorite Bon Jovi lyric
25 - Your favorite Bon Jovi logo
26 - A photo of a member of the band’s tattoo
27 - Would you ever consider getting a Bon Jovi-inspired tattoo? Explain
28 - Cities/places you’ve seen Bon Jovi
29 - Reasons you love Bon Jovi
30 - Random - whatever you want, you’ve made it!
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Jovi Shows
- July 19, 1987 - Huntington, WV
- March 5, 2008 - Pittsburgh
- March 15, 2008 - Pittsburgh
- March 6, 2010 - Las Vegas
- April 22, 2010 - Charlotte
- May 19, 2010 - Hershey (my first stadium show!!)
- July 19, 2010 - Toronto
- July 20, 2010 - Toronto
- July 30, 2010 - Chicago
- July 31, 2010 - Chicago (my first time in the pit!)
- February 11, 2011 - Pittsburgh
- February 12, 2011 - Pittsburgh
- March 1, 2011 - Boston
- March 2, 2011 - Philly for Jon's birthday. Third row pit and the debut of Richie Cam.
- May 10, 2011 - Columbus, OH (first backstage VIP adventure)
- May 21, 2011 - St Louis
- May 20, 2012 - Bamboozle, Asbury Park, NJ
- July 7, 2012 - Lewisburg, WV
- February 21, 2013 - Pittsburgh
- March 1, 2013 - Tampa, FL
- March 2, 2013 - Sunrise, FL
- March 10, 2013 - Columbus, OH
- March 14, 2013 - Louisville (I made it in a Bergman photo touching Jon!)
- October 8, 2013 - Fresno
- October 9, 2013 - Anaheim
- October 11, 2013 - L.A. (hung out with Kiefer Sutherland and met Tony Bongiovi's wife, Nina)
- February 28, 2017 - Sacramento (backstage to hang out with Phil X)
- March 1, 2017 - San Jose, CA
- May 9, 2018 - Madison Square Garden
- May 10, 2018 - Madison Square Garden (soundcheck!! I can die happy now!)
- April 8, 2022 - Charlotte, NC (first time in the front row!)
- April 11, 2022 - Greenville, SC
- April 21, 2022 - St Louis, MO
- April 30, 2022 - Nashville, TN (first hometown show!)